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Testing Remotion components

Remotion components are regular React component, albeit they need to be wrapped in some extra contexts to render them.

You can approach testing Remotion components the same way as testing regular React components, by using some of these popular libraries:

Adding Remotion contexts

To add the contexts that Remotion needs, consider using the <Thumbnail> component to add the necessary React contexts that Remotion needs and to show the component at a specific frame.

Add the noSuspense prop (available from Remotion v4.0.271) to prevent the component to be wrapped in React <Suspense>, which might delay the rendering of the markup.

Example using Happy DOM and Bun

While not the most sophisticated, this is a very fast and lightweight way to test Remotion components.

import {Thumbnail} from '@remotion/player';
import {expect, test} from 'bun:test';
import {renderToString} from 'react-dom/server';
import {useCurrentFrame} from 'remotion';
const Comp: React.FC<{}> = () => {
const frame = useCurrentFrame();
const data = `We are on frame ${frame}`;
return <div>{data}</div>;
test('should work', () => {
const readStream = renderToString(<Thumbnail component={Comp} compositionHeight={1000} compositionWidth={1000} durationInFrames={1000} fps={30} frameToDisplay={10} noSuspense />);
expect(readStream).toContain('<div>We are on frame 10</div>');
preload = "./happydom.ts"
import {GlobalRegistrator} from '@happy-dom/global-registrator';

Run the test using

bun test src/test/example.test.ts