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<OffthreadVideo /> while rendering

The following component will only use <OffthreadVideo /> while rendering, but <Video /> in the Player. This is useful for attaching a ref to the <Video /> tag.

import {forwardRef} from 'react';
import {getRemotionEnvironment, OffthreadVideo, RemotionOffthreadVideoProps, Video} from 'remotion';
function OffthreadWhileRenderingRefForwardingFunction(props: RemotionOffthreadVideoProps, ref: React.Ref<HTMLVideoElement>) {
const isPreview = !getRemotionEnvironment().isRendering;
if (isPreview) {
const {imageFormat, ...otherProps} = props;
return <Video ref={ref} {...otherProps} />;
return <OffthreadVideo {...props} />;
export const OffthreadVideoWhileRendering = forwardRef(OffthreadWhileRenderingRefForwardingFunction);