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Unstable API: This package is experimental. The API may change in the future.
The API for getting video metadata is stable and may be used in production.

This API is the same as parseMediaOnWebWorker(), but besides reading from URLs and File objects, you can also pass file paths that will be read using the fs module.

This makes the function also work on the server, but incompatible with the browser.

Only Bun has support for Worker, while Node.js does not. That means that this function currently only makes sense if you want to run a media parse on Bun on a worker thread.


We do not test against Deno's Worker implementation.

Parsing a video on a Bun Worker
import {parseMediaOnServerWorker} from '@remotion/media-parser';
const result = await parseMediaOnServerWorker({
src: '/tmp/video.mp4',
fields: {
durationInSeconds: true,
dimensions: true,
console.log(result.durationInSeconds); // 10
console.log(result.dimensions); // {width: 1920, height: 1080}


Same as parseMedia(), but without the option to pass a reader.

The reader option in the worker is hardcoded to universalReader.

See also