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Part of the @remotion/media-parser package. available from v4.0.190


Unstable API: This package is experimental. The API may change in the future.
The API for getting video metadata is stable and may be used in production.


Parsing a hosted video
import {parseMedia} from '@remotion/media-parser';
const result = await parseMedia({
src: '',
fields: {
durationInSeconds: true,
dimensions: true,
console.log(result.durationInSeconds); // 10
console.log(result.dimensions); // {width: 1920, height: 1080}
Parsing a local file
import {parseMedia} from '@remotion/media-parser';
import {nodeReader} from '@remotion/media-parser/node';
const result = await parseMedia({
src: '/Users/jonnyburger/Downloads/my-video.mp4',
fields: {
durationInSeconds: true,
dimensions: true,
reader: nodeReader,



Unstable API: This package is experimental. The API may change in the future.
The API for getting video metadata is stable and may be used in production.


Either a local file path, or a URL, or a File or Blob object.

If you pass a local file path, you must also pass nodeReader as the reader argument.


An object specifying which fields you'd like to receive.
If you like to receive the field, pass true as the value.

See Available Fields for a list of available fields.


A reader interface.

If you pass nodeReader, you must pass a local file path as the src argument.


A controller object that allows you to pause, resume and abort the parsing process.


A callback that is called when a video track is detected.
It receives an object with track and container (API not yet stable).
You must return either null or a callback that is called for each sample that corresponds to the video track.

The sample has the type VideoSample and while not all fields are stable, it has all the mandatory fields for the EncodedVideoChunk constructor.

Reading video frames
import {parseMedia, OnVideoTrack} from '@remotion/media-parser';
const onVideoTrack: OnVideoTrack = ({track}) => {
return (sample) => {
console.log(new EncodedVideoChunk(sample));


A callback that is called when an audio track is detected.
It receives an object with track and container (API not yet stable).
You must return either null or a callback that is called for each sample that corresponds to the audio track.

The sample has the type AudioSample and while not all fields are stable, it has all the mandatory fields for the EncodedAudioChunk constructor.

Reading audio frames
import {parseMedia, OnAudioTrack} from '@remotion/media-parser';
const onAudioTrack: OnAudioTrack = ({track}) => {
return (sample) => {
console.log(new EncodedAudioChunk(sample));


A callback that is called when a .m3u8 file is detected which has multiple streams.
See Stream selection for an example.


A callback that is called after a M3U stream has been selected, allowing you to pick which auxiliary playlists should be parsed. Usually this is used for selecting an audio track.
See Stream selection for an example.


A callback that is called from time to time when bytes have been read from the media.
It includes the following data:

import {ParseMediaProgress} from '@remotion/media-parser';
(alias) type ParseMediaProgress = { bytes: number; percentage: number | null; totalBytes: number | null; } import ParseMediaProgress

You may make this an async function, and while it is not resolved, the parsing process will be paused.
This is useful if you want to add a small delay inbetween progress steps to keep the UI interactive.



The interval in milliseconds at which the onParseProgress callback is called.
Default 100. Set to 0 for unthrottled and synchronous updates.
Note that updates are fired very often and updating the DOM often may slow down the conversion process.


One of "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace".
Default value: "info", which logs only important information.


Acknowledge the Remotion License to make the console message disappear.


Each field also has a callback that allows you to retrieve the value as soon as it is obtained without waiting for the function to resolve.

You do not have to add the field to the fields object if you use the callback.
However, just like with fields, adding a callback for a slow field may require reading more of the file.

Using a callback
import {parseMedia} from '@remotion/media-parser';
const result = await parseMedia({
src: '',
onDurationInSeconds: (durationInSeconds) => {
onDimensions: (dimensions) => {

See also