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Available Fields

The following fields are available in parseMedia():


{width: number, height: number} | null

The dimensions of the video.
Any rotation is already applied - the dimensions are like a media player would show them.
Use unrotatedDimensions to get the dimensions before rotation.

If the media passed is an audio file, this will return null.


number | null

The duration of the video in seconds.
Only returns a non-null value if the duration is stored in the metadata.



The duration of the video in seconds, but it is guaranteed to return a value.
If needed, the entire video file is read to determine the duration.



The name of the file.


"mp4" | "webm" | "avi" | "transport-stream" | "mp3" | "aac" | "wav" | "flac"

The container of the file.


number | null

The size of the input in bytes.


string | null

The MIME type of the file that was returned when the file was fetched.
Only available if using the webReader (default).


The internal structure of the video. Unstable, internal data structure, refer to the TypeScript types to see what's inside.


number | null

The frame rate of the video.
Only returns a non-null value if the frame rate is stored in the metadata.



The frame rate of the video, but it is guaranteed to return a value.
If needed, the entire video file is read to determine the frame rate.


The video codec of the file.
If multiple video tracks are present, this will be the first video track.
One of "h264", "h265", "vp8", "vp9", "av1", "prores" or null (in case of an unknown codec).


The audio codec of the file.
If multiple audio tracks are present, this will be the first audio track.
One of 'aac', 'mp3', 'aiff', 'opus', 'pcm', 'flac', 'unknown' (audio is there but not recognized) or null (in case of no audio detected).


Metadata fields such as ID3 tags or EXIF data.
See metadata for more information.


The location of the video was shot. Either null if not available or:

  • latitude: The latitude of the location
  • longitude: The longitude of the location
  • altitude: The altitude of the location (can be null)
  • horizontalAccuracy: The horizontal accuracy of the location (can be null)


Returns an object of two two arrays videoTracks and audioTracks.
The data structure of them is not yet stable.


Return type: MediaParserKeyframe[] | null

An array of keyframes. Each keyframe has the following structure:

  • presentationTimeInSeconds: The time in seconds when the keyframe should be presented
  • decodingTimeInSeconds: The time in seconds when the keyframe should be decoded
  • positionInBytes: The position in bytes where the keyframe is located in the file
  • sizeInBytes: The size of the keyframe in bytes
  • trackId: The ID of the track the frame belongs to

Only being returned if the keyframe information are stored in the metadata, otherwise null.


Return type: MediaParserKeyframe[]

An array of keyframes, same as keyframes, but it is guaranteed to return a value.

Will read the entire video file to determine the keyframes.



The number of video frames in the media.
Will read the entire video file to determine the number of frames.


{width: number, height: number}

The dimensions of the video before rotation.



Whether the video is in HDR (High dynamic range).



The rotation of the video in degrees (e.g. -90 for a 90° counter-clockwise rotation).


Return type: MediaParserEmbeddedImage[]

Embedded images in the file, for example an album cover inside an MP3.
Each array element has the following fields:

  • mimeType: The MIME type of the image, or null
  • description: A description of the image, or null
  • data: The image data as a Uint8Array


number | null

The audio sample rate, if there is an audio track.


number | null

The number of audio channels, if there is an audio track.



The audio bitrate in bits per second. null if there is no audio track.


1 byte is 8 bits.


number | null

The video bitrate in bits per second. null if there is no video track.


1 byte is 8 bits.


Only for .m3u8, this will return a non-null value if the file is a playlist.

An array of objects with the following fields:

  • bandwidth: The bandwidth of the stream. May be null.
  • averageBandwidth: The average bandwidth of the stream. May be null.
  • resolution: The resolution of the stream. May be null.
  • codecs: The codec strings of the stream as an array May be null.
  • src: The URL or file path of the stream
  • id: A unique identifier that Remotion gives the stream
  • associatedPlaylists: Audio tracks that are connected to this stream but live in a separate file.
    • src: The URL or file path of the audio track
    • autoselect: Corresponds to the AUTOSELECT attribute in the HLS playlist
    • default: Corresponds to the DEFAULT attribute in the HLS playlist
    • language: The language of the audio track
    • name: The name of the audio track
    • groupId: The group ID of the audio track
    • channels: The number of audio channels in the audio track, or null.